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Bishop's Conversion by Maxwell, Ellen Blackmar, Th... ISBN: 9780548571095 List Price: $34.95
Memoir Of Edward Copleston, D.D., Bishop Of Llandaff, With Selections From His Diary And Cor... by Copleston, William James ISBN: 9780548756126 List Price: $31.95
In Memory of the Right Revised James Carmichael, Fourth Bishop of Montreal by Carmichael, James ISBN: 9780548786062 List Price: $18.95
The register of John de Grandisson, bishop of Exeter, (A. D. 1327-1369) Volume pt.3 by Exeter, Eng. (Diocese). Bis... ISBN: 9781172718214 List Price: $45.75
The centenary of the American Episcopate: an address delivered in St. James's Hall, on June ... by Church. Diocese of Ohio. Bi... ISBN: 9781241675486 List Price: $15.75
Defence of Church Principles: Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor, 1717-1719 by Charles Gore, James Okey Nash ISBN: 9781115690393 List Price: $36.99
Bishops and Councils: Their Causes and Consequences by James Lillie ISBN: 9781110014286 List Price: $21.99
Bishops and Councils: Their Causes and Consequences by James Lillie ISBN: 9781110014279 List Price: $19.99
The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. by Charles James Lever ISBN: 9781241365752 List Price: $32.75
A Treatise on the common and statute law of the state of New York relating to insolvent debt... by James L. (James Lord) Bishop ISBN: 9781112579516 List Price: $35.99
James Addison Ingle Yin Teh-sen First Bishop of the Missionary District of Hankow, China by Jefferys, William Hamilton ISBN: 9781115593137 List Price: $29.75
Why Workers Behave the Way They Do by Beeler, Duane, Lebovits, Bi... ISBN: 9780317122411 List Price: $7.95
Works of James Pilkington, Lord Bishop of Durham by Pilkington, James ISBN: 9780384465305 List Price: $63.00
Bishop Percy's folio manuscript: ballads and romances by Thomas Percy, John W. 1836-... ISBN: 9781172843114 List Price: $45.75
Memorials of John Bowen, Late Bishop of Sierra Leone; by Bowen, John, James Nisbet a... ISBN: 9781140485230 List Price: $46.75
Scripture Sharing on Bishops' Economic Pastoral by Hug, James E. ISBN: 9780934134194 List Price: $2.95
North Country Bishop : A Biography of William Nicolson by James, Francis G. ISBN: 9780686514251 List Price: $79.50
Poems of Bishop Henry King by Baker, James H. ISBN: 9780686829799 List Price: $3.95
Poems of Bishop Henry King by Baker, James H. ISBN: 9780804002493 List Price: $5.95
The speech of Mr Kelly, the nonjuror, secretary to the late Bishop Atterbury, now envoy from... by Multiple Contributors, See ... ISBN: 9781171194071 List Price: $14.75
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